
Burmanization of Myanmar’s Muslims (2008) by Jean. A. Berlie (ISBN 9789744801265). This is a timely publication, given the focus of this year’s ANU Burma Update on education in Burma. After a survey of the history of Burma’s diverse Muslim minorities, Berlie analyses the state of Islamic education under the Burmese government’s policy of “Burmanization” – a socio-political strategy aimed at the assimilation of ethnic and religious minorities of Myanmar. The government promotes national identity through an emphasis on “one dominant ethnic group (Burman), one united country (Myanmar) and one religion (Buddhism).” Muslims and other religious minorities are not protected by the state. This book includes short biographical notes on prominent Muslim leaders in Burma and lists of known mosques throughout the country. A fascinating introduction to one of the lesser known groups in Southeast Asia, and well worth reading, especially in order to compare with the situation – and the similar feelings of disenfranchisement – in Thailand’s Muslim south.

[This post is provided by the National Library of Australia as part of our Book Zone feature.. For further information on the featured publications contact Anya Dettman at [email protected]]