Occasionally I illustrate a New Mandala post with a snapshot of images taken from Google Image search. The image for this post is a perfect example. It can be a slightly arty technique for flagging a range of different issues and images in one fell swoop.

I am now noticing that with specific search terms I can delve back into the history of our coverage of particular topics. For instance, if you look closely at the image in the top left-hand corner of this image you will see that it includes an image, in the top left-hand corner, which is also taken from New Mandala. Wheels within wheels within wheels.

I quite like this quirky outcome.

In this case we have three almost identical images (the first two are here and here) all layered together through the wizardry of Google Image search. If I continue along this path then there is probably no reason that Google would not offer many extra layers, all pointing to New Mandala material about King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s life. As a way of illustrating the depth that a website, or a life, builds over time I think this has much merit.