Sometimes I’m afraid that we might focus too much on doom and gloom, and cut and thrust, here on New Mandala. But no matter how much we devote ourselves to issues in mainland Southeast Asia we all still need to eat. And on a day when Gordon Brown is telling those of us in Britain to stop wasting food it seems appropriate to turn our attention to these needs.

So, with that in mind…here comes the googly (or “curveball”, if you will).

In my experience it can sometimes be worth knowing where to look for Yunnanese food in Beijing. If you ever expect to need the flavours of the south-west in China’s capital then this lively restaurant review may give you some ideas. It doesn’t even sound like the food is that good but it is, all the same, quite a handy review. And it might encourage me to seek out the South Silk Road restaurant next time I’m that far north. Have any readers ever been?