As I indicated in an earlier post I am interested in pursuing the discussion about vote buying in Thailand. But I would like to broaden the discussion somewhat to become a consideration of what might be called “local electoral culture.” I would like to invite New Mandala readers to submit their observations and insights about electoral behaviour in rural and urban areas of Thailand. How are elections conducted? What strategies are used to attract votes? What local values, cultural practices and social processes influence voting decisions? Does anyone have any good evidence that votes really can be bought with direct cash payments? How do local canvassers go about their business? How effective are local officials in influencing voting behaviour?

Submissions can be made either by commenting on this post or by emailing me direct (see the “Reader Contributions” tab above for my email address). I will compile submissions (including those already made in response to earlier posts) into a document that I will post to New Mandala.

Let’s try to go beyond the popular stereotypes and get some more detailed insight into how local electoral politics actually operates in Thailand.

And, a prize! A copy of my book The Legend of the Golden Boat for the best submission!