Migration and migrant workers

Hari Tani Nasional: A forum hosted by the ANU Indonesia Institute

What are the most important policy problems facing rural Indonesia, and what can researchers do about them?

COVID-19: the costs of strandedness for repatriated Filipino migrant workers

How can policies can better support migrant workers in return preparedness and safety nets, when planning to return permanently & in moments of disruptions?

No way home and no way in! COVID-19 and Indonesian workers in Japan

Irresponsible sending agencies in Indonesia and stakeholders in Japan have found ways to manipulate and take advantage of a precarious cohort of migrant workers.

The Kafala system and Vietnam’s domestic workers: corruption and a silenced press

Insufficient legal revisions, corruption and press suppression in Vietnam leaves domestic workers vulnerable in Saudi Arabia.

Nô lệ thời nay: Phụ nữ Việt Nam lao động giúp việc nhà ở Ả-rập Xê-út

Cái chết mới đây của một cô gái vị thành niên tên H Xuân Siu, được tuyển dụng làm người giúp việc nhà tại Ả-rập Xê-út đã khiến cả thế giới bàng hoàng.

Modern-day slavery: Vietnamese women domestic workers in Saudi Arabia

Details around the recent death of migrant domestic worker, H Xuân Siu, reveal an exploitative transnational labour export system.

In limbo: Migrant workers struggle with the Myanmar coup and COVID-19

As their travel documents expire Myanmar migrants risk becoming undocumented and excluded from legal protections by shortcomings in both Myanmar and Thai migration policies.

Will Singapore forget its low-paid migrant workers again?

In the aftermath of outrage as COVID-19 tore through migrant worker dormitories, is Singapore entering another bout of social amnesia?

Nick Cheesman in conversation with Sumit K. Mandal on “Becoming Arab”

A discussion on the power and limits of colonial racial categories; Hadramis, Sayyids and Sharifas in maritime Southeast Asia; modernity and cultural hybridity; the descendants of Arabs in the Malay world today;

Irene Fernandez: Speaking truth to power

Irene Fernandez recognised that our humanity is defined by the manner in which we relate to others especially by those whom society considers the least.