If your in Canberra, don’t miss this opportunity to meet a remarkable Malaysian politician.

Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah is an unusual UMNO (United Malays National Organisation) leader. He is neither a racist nor corrupt.

Most unusual is that despite having liberal views on a range of issues, (not only talking the talk but also walking the walk), he has made it to the top echelons of the UMNO leadership as an elected member of the powerful UMNO Supreme Council. How he has done this without resorting to money and racist rhetoric remains a wonder.

This first time Member of Parliament and Deputy Minister for Higher Education is truly a breath of fresh air compared to what is widely perceived to be the stench of the most rotten administration since Independence in Malaysia.

In fact, Datuk Saifuddin is a throw back to the time when UMNO actually had a few good men. Datuk Saifuddin has argued consistently within UMNO of the need to present a more democratic face to younger Malaysians and his track record proves that he is a genuine democrat.

Will he lead a new wave of UMNO leaders that returns UMNO to the center or will he be UMNO’s last Mohican?

Datuk Saifuddin will be giving a public lecture at the Australian National University on the “New Malaysian Politics” as it heads towards the 13th General Election.

Date: 18 September 2012
Venue: Law Link Lecture Theatre
Time: 3.30 – 4.30p.m.

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet one of UMNO’s better leaders.

More information available on the ANU Billboard.