Dr Earvin Charles Cabalquinto is a Lecturer in Communication in the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University. He is also a member of the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation. His research interests include migration, digital media, transnational care and intimacy, and the politics of networked connectivity. His book entitled “(Im)mobile Homes: Family at a distance in the age of mobile media” is forthcoming under the Mobile Communication Series of Oxford University Press.

Dr Maria Tanyag is a Research Fellow (Lecturer) in the Department of International Relations, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs at the Australian National University. Her most recent publications are: “A Feminist Call to Be Radical: Linking Women’s Health and Planetary Health” in the journal, Politics & Gender, “How Feminist Research will Help Solve the Climate Crisis” (available in Spanish), and “From alarm bells to background noise? The role of gender in risk mapping, analysis and response in the Asia Pacific region,” in Gender, Climate and Security: Sustaining inclusive peace on the frontlines of climate change (UNEP, UN Women, UN DPPA, and UNDP). https://www.gender-nr-peace.org/gender-climate-security/.