How can one come to understand palm oil as always both local and global, without offering primacy to one and diminishing the other?
Kita perlu bicara! Seni, pelanggaran, dan politik di Documenta 15
Kolektif-kolektif berorientasi hak asasi manusia dari Indonesia telah dituduh anti-Semitis di salah satu pameran terbesar di Eropa, Dokumenta di Kassel, German.
We need to talk! Art, offence and politics in Documenta 15
Human-rights oriented Indonesian art collectives have been accused of anti-Semitism at one of Europe's largest art exhibitions, Documenta, in Kassel, Germany.
Mitos terbenam di Dasar Ekonomi Baru
Sistem hanya mengekalkan mitos bahawa tugas utama tindakan afirmatif adalah menangani kekurangan individu, bukan mengatasi kekurangan sistemik
Embedded myths of Malaysia’s New Economic Policy
Reproducing postcolonial subjectivities perpetuates the myth that affirmative action addresses individual deficits rather than systemic disadvantages.
A colonial cross of gold: the roots of economic conservatism in the Philippines
On colonial legacies and austerity economics.
Perspectives on the Past at New Mandala
Welcoming the University of Sydney's Southeast Asian history bloggers to New Mandala.