Digital frontiers

Blockchain against climate change: perspectives from Indonesia

In Indonesia blockchain can be strategically utilised and developed for environmental protection.

Techno-politics of data justice: perspectives from Indonesia and the Philippines

EngageMedia's latest report tries to understand how people in different contexts imagine and experience the growing digital landscape through the lens of data justice.

The role of social media companies in shaping political discourse in Indonesia

Social media companies have more control than the government of Indonesia in limiting the freedom of expression of its citizens. To what extent will they control the political discourse in Indonesia?

The changing face of fake news

New report "Tracking Digitial Disinformation in the 2019 Philippine Midterm Election".

New tech and old loyalties mash up a historic contest

The resurgence of ‘old’ Mahathir against the Najib coalition has been matched with the ‘new’, the cheap smartphone.

The changing power of rumours

Fake news and online liberalism in the Philippines.

Academia absentia?

Podcast explores academia's disconnect with the public in a post-truth world.

The geopolitics of Pokémon GO in Asia

Danielle Cave looks at how a viral mobile video game reflects regional tensions.

Professor, speak up and make a difference

The crucial role that academics need to play in speaking truth to troubling political power.