
New Books in Southeast Asian Studies: Supalak Ganjanakhundee on “A Soldier King” far can earlier interpretations of Thai politics be adapted to explain the growing influence of the monarchy...

Techno-politics of data justice: perspectives from Indonesia and the Philippines

EngageMedia's latest report tries to understand how people in different contexts imagine and experience the growing digital landscape through the lens of data justice.

New Books on SEAsia: Elisabeth Kramer on “The Candidate’s Dilemma”

The Candidate's Dilemma delves into the lived experiences of candidates negotiating corruption.

Thailand breaks away from Southeast Asia’s brutally punitive drug policies

On 9 June 2022, people lined up to make their first legal purchases of cannabis.

LGBTQuiet? Silence does not mean consent

That silence is chosen as a form of contestation in Singapore suggests there is a larger population desiring, ready for and calling for change.

Antisemitism in Southeast Asia: Stories from Jerusalem to Jakarta

Southeast Asian antisemitism has often bemused scholars and researchers, because it has been described as an antisemitism without Jews.

“Human dignity” as a tool for human rights education in Cambodian law schools

Promoting of foundational human rights values in Cambodia’s politically sensitive climate.

The price for maintaining Indonesia’s palm oil industry hegemony

Facing the cooking oil crisis seriously means untangling the complex web that maintains the hegemony of palm oil oligarchy.

Palm Oil: the Grease of Empire by Max Haiven (review)

How can one come to understand palm oil as always both local and global, without offering primacy to one and diminishing the other?

Counter-polarisation and political expediency

...there are grounds for doubting that counter-polarisation is the real reason for many recent political manoeuvres.

Kita perlu bicara! Seni, pelanggaran, dan politik di Documenta 15

Kolektif-kolektif berorientasi hak asasi manusia dari Indonesia telah dituduh anti-Semitis di salah satu pameran terbesar di Eropa, Dokumenta di Kassel, German.

We need to talk! Art, offence and politics in Documenta 15

Human-rights oriented Indonesian art collectives have been accused of anti-Semitism at one of Europe's largest art exhibitions, Documenta, in Kassel, Germany.