Historical records complement studies of seismic hazard and are an important standalone tool for the study of earthquake hazards.
A new capital city for who? Central-local tensions in Indonesia
A lack of coordination between state actors and a lack of acknowledgment between state and society undermines the new capital project.
Civil society in the Mekong: What can we learn from environmental struggles?
As political space contracts, the role for informal networks or coalitions expands.
Fragrant Frontier: The editors’ account
...a borderland–frontier in a state of flux, where social and environmental trajectories are diverse, dynamic, and consequential...
“Building Back Better” than what? Lessons in Indonesia after volcanic eruptions
The Sendai Framework lays out clear actions to reduce disaster risk. But how effective is it?
Timor-Leste’s deep politics and the enigma of Xanana Gusmao
In 2018, Gusmao's reframing of his modernist vision through a lulik alliance signalled a return to his cultural roots that assisted in regaining his waning charisma.
Perspectives on the Past at New Mandala
Welcoming the University of Sydney's Southeast Asian history bloggers to New Mandala.