Articles by Nicholas Farrelly

New year, new politics?

Myanmar must move beyond highly personalised political drama, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Reckoning with Senior General Than Shwe

Shadowy leader from the past will still influence Myanmar's future.

Researching Myanmar today

Scholars are finding a more accessible and open society, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Britain and Myanmar friends again

Both countries have overcome a lingering colonial hangover, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Universities in a democratic Myanmar

Democracies need open and vibrant education systems, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Misplaced affection for Myanmar’s old days

Nostalgia misses the costs that came with long-term economic paralysis, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Who are the ‘Naypyitawrians’?

Nicholas Farrelly looks at a new identity in a new Myanmar.

Why the NLD needs to look beyond city lights

Prosperous and peaceful provincial towns should be the priority for the NLD, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Myanmar’s media flexes its muscle

Fast-changing landscape bears watching, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Passing over the gavel without a fight

Myanmar's parliamentary speakers should be applauded for stepping down, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

The NLD’s iron-fisted gerontocracy

The party's cone of silence isn’t a departure from old-style dictatorial practice, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Misjudging Myanmar’s ethnic vote

Ethno-nationalism put to the test in recent elections, writes Nicholas Farrelly.