Articles by Nicholas Farrelly

The Embassy: A review

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly takes a look at a new Australian television show set in Thailand

More Southeast Asia commentary

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly highlights some recent essays on Indonesia and Thailand

Burgers and social responsibility in Myanmar

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly chews over the hiring policies of fast food stores

Thai Studies in Australia, redux

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly re-opens old discussions about the study of Thailand in Australia

Law and irony in Thailand

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly reflects on recent efforts to clamp down on free academic expression

Writing for New Mandala

Co-founder Nicholas Farrelly announces an open call for submissions from the next generation of leading Southeast Asia analysts

Competition: Speaking of Southeast Asia

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly announces a new competition for regional wordsmiths seeking immortality

Thai coup: The debate continues

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly offers a quick update on Thai coup coverage and analysis

After the coup

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly offers a quick take in the aftermath of Thailand's latest coup

New Mandala’s top posts in 2013

Elections, prime-ministers, princes, riots and penises - New Mandala had it all in 2013. Here are our most popular stories for the year.

Another big weekend for Thailand

As the crowds gather once again, New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly considers the election of 23 December 2007

Who can stop the Thaksin system?

Nicholas Farrelly asks readers to imagine, for a minute, that you were tasked with coming up with a plan to stop Thaksin