Southeast Asia

Rethinking Southeast Asian civil society

It’s past time for us to ditch simplistic ideas of “civil society” and its relationship with democracy in the region.

Southeast Asian cyberspace: politics, censorship, polarisation

The internet is both a factor in, and a victim of, the region’s crisis of democracy.

Old dominance, new dominoes in Southeast Asia

Democracy in the region finds itself in dark days. Can anything save it?

ASEAN and women: empower movements, not just individuals

Programs to increase women’s market competitiveness aren't a substitute for collective action for gender equality.

Women: pillars of justice in Southeast Asia

Pushing for human rights reform in Southeast Asia.

Tough year for human rights in Southeast Asia

2016 was not a good year for the region's civil liberties, writes Bridget Welsh.

Lessons of the Arab Spring for Muslim Southeast Asia

Why Southeast Asia needs a cultural spring.

The east is red

Why Southeast Asia is now firmly in the grip of China.

Travels with Des Ball

Former student Cam Hawker reflects on his time in Southeast Asia with acclaimed scholar Des Ball.

Afraid new world

Why the world should be wary of a weary superpower under new management.

President Trump and Southeast Asia

The United States' engagement with Southeast Asia could soon be over, writes Tom Pepinsky.

With Trump, Beijing trumps Washington

Why a Trump presidency is a major setback for US-Southeast Asia ties.

India looks east

Towards a robust India-Myanmar-Bangladesh trilateral.

Four hundred years of free fall

Why the price of rice is set for a downward spiral.

Trapped in economic upheaval

Unskilled workers are at risk of exploitation in the ASEAN Economic Community.

Elections without democracy in Southeast Asia

Why authoritarian rule remains resilient in the face of elections.

Watching the watchers

Examining the Universal Periodic Review of human rights in Southeast Asia.

ASEAN deconstructs

A multilateral mess that threatens the region's security.

Ritualism and the erosion of human rights

States in the Asia-Pacific increasingly pay lip service to protections they sign up to.

Self-interest and the spectre of Beijing at Sunnylands

US-ASEAN summit shows that a new Cold War mindset is descending on Asia.

Region’s human rights watchdogs lack bite

National institutions aren't protecting anyone, new report shows.

How did Southeast Asia become a social fact?

Tom Pepinsky looks at how an artificial concept defined a region.