From remote Torres Strait to mega-cities like Jakarta, enforced climate refugee status continues to increase.
Simultaneous street art campaign for cage-free farms in 7 major Indonesian cities
Success is also closely linked to the public support of consumers who care about animal welfare and demand better standards.
SDGs in North Sumatra: climate action, peace, justice, and institutions
...local government appears to be taking no clear steps toward mitigating natural disasters and climate change.
“Building Back Better” than what? Lessons in Indonesia after volcanic eruptions
The Sendai Framework lays out clear actions to reduce disaster risk. But how effective is it?
No protection, more repression: freedom of expression in Southeast Asia
...these are fundamentally contrary to the principles of international human rights law and fail to meet the principle of “legal certainty” of international law.
Rethinking self-censorship in Southeast Asia’s media landscape
By intentionally devising concealment strategies that maintain the core messages...research participants demonstrate their commitment to continue producing critical information while avoiding punishment.
The Macbethian tragedy of Indonesian democracy
While observers might be surprised that Jokowi harboured despotic tendencies, never had he hid his stripes...The essence of the tragedy is the circularity of a flawed system and bad actors.
Symptoms of anti-Intellectualism in Indonesian democracy
Returning pressure onto public intellectuals, as Luhut did, only increases the public’s support for the dissenters
Looking beyond borders at Asia Pacific Triennial 10 – Part 1
APT10 forces us to look past the categories of nation or ethnicity to embrace perspectives in life that are centred on multiplicity and hybridity, on community and friendship.
Indonesia’s new capital authoritarianism
Though the Capital Authority acts as a "fast track" for the goal, they have to bear in mind the cost of constitutional democracy at the local level in the future
Senam rudat: performing arts and participation in Pasir Putih, North Lombok
Adapting traditional dance for healthy community building with local women; but are gender boundaries reinforced or deconstructed?
Violated: Churches and religious freedom in Aceh Singkil, Indonesia
Recently introduced local regulations further narrow the space for reconciliation and human rights-based pluralism.
What are the regional security implications of Indonesia’s capital relocation?
Relocation has some implications for not only military and defence issues, but also economic and environmental security.
Food availability, Indonesia’s commodity balance and the trap of Malthusian Optimism
A recent research paper casts doubt on the government’s ability to accurately determine available supplies.
No way home and no way in! COVID-19 and Indonesian workers in Japan
Irresponsible sending agencies in Indonesia and stakeholders in Japan have found ways to manipulate and take advantage of a precarious cohort of migrant workers.
A new Indonesian capital city: conflict pending
Poor consultation with local residents and traditional land owners, elite links and opaque deals with concession holders leave the new capital project vulnerable.
The dynamics of political contestation within Nahdlatul Ulama’s 34th Muktamar
NU’s dependence on political influence will make it difficult to maintain neutrality and critique social and political problems.
Erasing the untouchables: the Indonesian way
For many years the Indonesian Government seemed determined to crush the villainy. That resolve is now being questioned.
Human rights in the age of Southeast Asian extractivism
Analysing the development of Filipino, Thai and Indonesian laws and policies for the achievement of the human right to a healthy environment.
The inequities in Indonesia’s vaccine rollout
Health authorities should focus their attention on remedying the notion that vaccine side effects are more dangerous than COVID-19 itself
In Indonesia, Sumatra’s coal brings more harm than good
The coal sector is strongly linked to national and regional oligarchs, and coal businesses often play a role as financiers for political candidates.
Indonesia’s geopolitical future needs robust climate action
Equipping activism with a geopolitical angle might prove useful, giving environmentalism a base in foreign policy and economic nationalism.
Researching in Indonesia without fieldwork in the age of COVID
What alternative designs have researchers implemented to manage the limitations of the "new normal"?
Pertanyakan niat: pemerintah Indonesia tak berkomitmen hapuskan kekerasan seksual
Dengan dihilangkannya kata ‘penghapusan’ dari RUU kekerasan seksual, bangsa tidak lagi berusaha untuk menghentikan kekerasan seksual...