

The luxury of space in Naypyitaw

Soaking up the penthouse view in Myanmar's increasingly urbane capital.

A missing boat and a missing voice

How the Rohingya have been cast adrift by all and sundry.

Ethnic politics from the capital

With 135 official ethnic categories, Nicholas Farrelly writes that Myanmar's ethnic politics take up a lot of space, even in Naypyitaw

Rule-breaking and the Rohingya

How Australia's 'stop the boats' policy is prolonging the Rohingya's suffering.

The Rohingya and regional failure

ASEAN fails in efforts to be 'people-centred' when it comes to Rohingya refugees.

Scrambling to draw lessons

This week in his column at The Myanmar Times, Nicholas Farrelly writes about what we can learn from the transition

“Never Again”: time to end genocide in Burma

The international community can no longer ignore the plight of Myanmar's Rohingya, writes Nancy Hudson-Rodd.

Myanmar’s workers of the world

In his column this week at The Myanmar Times, Nicholas Farrelly offers some thoughts on Myanmar's millions of migrant workers

Myanmar President Thein Sein leaves after delivering the opening address at this month's ASEAN summit. Photo by AFP.

Change you can depend on

In his Myanmar Times column this week, Nicholas Farrelly considers Myanmar's ever-shifting picture of reform

Surviving Thingyan

Matt Carney explores the hazards of thingyan in Yangon.

Fair pay for Myanmar’s civil servants

In his Myanmar Times column this week, Nicholas Farrelly analyses pay-rates for Myanmar officials

Art, activism and saving sacred rivers

Activist-journalist Myint Zaw has won the ‘Green Nobel’ for his campaign to save Myanmar's Irrawaddy river through art.

Southeast Asian Frontiers field course

Nicholas Farrelly reflects on an ANU field course about the Thailand-Myanmar borderlands

Vale Pamela Gutman

Trevor Wilson pays tribute to one of Australia's great Burma scholars

Reading Myanmar politics in 2015

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly has a new column at The Myanmar Times

Burma and the Kipling mystique

Andrew Selth analyses the influence of the bard of the British Empire, Rudyard Kipling

A hopeful moment for civil society in Myanmar

Andrew Morgan looks closely at the changing landscape for civil society in the years after direct military rule

Kokang 2015: Unknown unknowns

Eisel Mazard reflects on the limited global appetite for understanding obscure wars in distant places

Fascist assemblages in Cambodia and Myanmar

Tim Frewer examines the rise of extreme Buddhism and ethno-nationalism across the Southeast Asian region

Saw John Bwe Lah’s funeral

Funeral of 103 year old Saw John Bwe Lah offers Gerard McCarthy a glimpse into a central Myanmar Karen community

Dissent and repression persist in Myanmar

Trevor Wilson examines Myanmar's recent violence and whether it will derail the reform process.

Myanmar’s brutal crackdown: who is in charge?

An inside look at Myanmar's response to student protests and what it says about the country's democratic transition.

Discipline and duty

Matt Schissler reports on student protests, violence and social media in Yangon.

Burma/Myanmar: Bibliographic trends

Andrew Selth surveys the changing landscape of publishing about the Southeast Asian nation