

Bulldozers and palms in Aceh

Snapshots of the new socio-ecological dynamics in post-reconstruction Aceh.

The “orang gila” scare in Indonesia

What's behind a fresh panic about attacks on Islamic figures at the hands of "crazy people"?

Indonesia’s Constitutional Court and public opinion

Data suggest public opinion and civil society do influence judges. That's both good and bad for the quality of their decisions.

Indonesia’s minority report

Indonesian law recognises both international human rights norms and 'religious values'. The latter are increasingly taking precedence.

Education on the fringe in Indonesia

A snapshot of the problems of Indonesia's education system from highland Papua.

UNESCO heritage-lists Indonesian wooden boat building

Maritime historian Jeffrey Mellefont on why UNESCO has recognised the cultural significance of South Sulawesi boat-building.

Terrorist arbitrage in Southeast Asia

Jihadists know how to take advantage of the unique space for mobilisation offered by the Indonesia–Malaysia–Philippines triborder area. Governments are still catching up.

Islamic leaders don’t get their ‘copy and paste’ of Jakarta

Details on a falling out between pro-Anies Baswedan political parties and the religious leaders behind the 212 movement.

Disinformation and democracy in Indonesia

Crackdowns on ‘fake news’ producers aren’t enough—Indonesian voters need better journalism and greater digital literacy.

Piety, politics, and the popularity of Felix Siauw

An ethnic Chinese convert to hardline Islam stands out in Indonesia’s crowded Islamic preaching market.

‘Religion’ and ‘belief’ in Indonesia: what’s the difference?

In insisting that “animist” faiths be given a lower status than “religion”, Islamic leaders ignore how the false divide between them was constructed in the first place.

Jokowi’s military reshuffle is all about 2019

Jokowi moved quickly to shift a controversial armed forces chief into retirement. The 2019 elections were at the front of his mind.

Mengapa media gagal meliput Papua?

Nasihat dari seorang wartawan Indonesia bagi kawan-kawannya yang meliput isu-isu Papua.

Reflections on a reunion in Jakarta

On the reunion of 2016’s anti-Ahok protests: the ‘awakening’ of Islamic identity means togetherness to some, and division to others.

The race to save up to 50 shipwrecks from looters in Southeast Asia

How should we respond when heritage is damaged or destroyed?

Java’s Muslim Warrior Queen

This article explores the life and career of one of Java's great premodern leaders: the 16th-century queen of Jepara.

The padewakang: Puzzling together the past

A team of expert Makassan boat-builders constructs a padewakang

Mosque polling stations and voting for Anies

A correlation between polling stations’ location in houses of worship and support for Anies throws up some interesting questions.

Rethinking Southeast Asian civil society

It’s past time for us to ditch simplistic ideas of “civil society” and its relationship with democracy in the region.

Southeast Asian cyberspace: politics, censorship, polarisation

The internet is both a factor in, and a victim of, the region’s crisis of democracy.


Indonesian contemporary dance meets politics, sustainability and gender

Old dominance, new dominoes in Southeast Asia

Democracy in the region finds itself in dark days. Can anything save it?

A new partnership with the TIFA Foundation

A frank discussion on civil society and Southeast Asia's crisis of democracy.