Watch: Deepening the Australia-Indonesia relationship through study abroad & research collaboration

Four stories of success from ANU alumni who have been engaged in strengthening the Australia-Indonesia relationship.

No health without mental health! A forum from the ANU Indonesia Institute

With advent of COVID-19 mental health became everybody’s business. Join our webinar to find out how this impacts the field.

Watch: Hari Tani Nasional, a forum on the future of rural Indonesia

Critical Indonesian thinkers reflect on a simple question: What are the most important policy problems in rural Indonesia, and what can researchers do about them?

Watch a forum: Bongbong at the Helm

A focus on issues and dynamics that can be expected to define his presidency.

Women’s rights & gender equality in Indonesia: watch now

Marking International Human Rights Day in 2021, this discussion on women’s rights and gender equality in Indonesia examined the achievements and challenges equality in political, economic and social fields.

Hari Tani Nasional: A forum hosted by the ANU Indonesia Institute

What are the most important policy problems facing rural Indonesia, and what can researchers do about them?

A Forum: Bongbong at the Helm

...a focus on issues and dynamics that can be expected to define his presidency.

Counter-polarisation and political expediency

...there are grounds for doubting that counter-polarisation is the real reason for many recent political manoeuvres.

From Duterte to Marcos Jr: a forum

The new president and the rule of law, the judiciary, patterns of political mobilisation, and media and disinformation.

Academics call on Government to protect stranded Myanmar students

A group of academics is urging the Federal Government to grant humanitarian protection visas to a small cohort of gifted students.

The Macbethian tragedy of Indonesian democracy

While observers might be surprised that Jokowi harboured despotic tendencies, never had he hid his stripes...The essence of the tragedy is the circularity of a flawed system and bad actors.

Marcos or Robredo? Assessing the dynamics of the May 2022 Philippine presidential elections

Will Leni Robredo be able to overcome Bongbong Marcos’s decisive lead in the surveys?

Forum: Marcos or Robredo? Assessing dynamics of the May 2022 Philippine Elections

A forum examining the dynamics of the upcoming national election in the Philippines.

With ASEAN snub, Myanmar junta signals return to Cold War isolationism

Military officials have vowed to “learn to walk with only a few friends”, and weather international isolation and economic sanctions.

A new Indonesian capital city: conflict pending

Poor consultation with local residents and traditional land owners, elite links and opaque deals with concession holders leave the new capital project vulnerable.

30 years after the Santa Cruz massacre: What legacy is left behind?

The story of these youths' contribution to the liberation of their homeland is yet to be fully written.

Indonesia’s Jalan tengah in the new age of great power rivalries

Indonesia’s decision to gamble with a degree of its strategic autonomy should thus be regarded as the latest reinterpretation of jalan tengah.

The Centrality of the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar’s Post-Coup Era

Humanitarian work without the recognition of the CDM will provoke public distrust and rejection.

Herd immunity/herding constituents: parpol and COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia #2

These events are heavily political in the distinctively clientelistic sense that dominates in Indonesia.

Herd immunity/herding constituents: parpol and COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia #1

Online and social media shows that several political parties are actively involved in the vaccination program.

Profile: Hunter Marston on shifting from Buddhist philosophy to politics in Myanmar

"I saw for the first time that Buddhist philosophy was connected to daily struggles and politics at a very fundamental level."

COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Public health, social impacts, and political attitudes

Southeast Asian citizens are not providing carte blanche to their governments to wind back civil liberties and political rights.

Protests and Pandemics: Civil Society Mobilisation in Thailand and the Philippines

...creating spaces for civil society should be integral to post-pandemic recovery and reconstruction plans.