Large COVID outbreaks in prisons are only a part of a bigger problem in terms of the state overlooking the welfare of prisoners.
What is behind vaccine hesitancy in Indonesia?
Perceived religious prohibition, vaccine coercion, anti-Chinese sentiment and reliance on alternative health and hygiene practices are contributing to low vaccination acceptance.
The impact of COVID-19 on the civil society sector in Cambodia: a year on
The voices of and inputs from communities and civil society in national strategic development planning have not been heard.
Smiling to fight: Waiting out the pandemic in Laos
An important and unanswered question is the extent to which traditions of subsistence farming may still keep families afloat.
COVID-19 flights to nowhere: radical escape or radical reimagining of the everyday?
The illusion that the domestic space is only a site for social reproduction is over, but what will replace it?
COVID-19 is eroding Indonesian local media’s role as watchdog
Local media are failing to supervise regional Indonesia, with many relying on government PR budgets or politicians’ fresh cash.
Governing a pandemic: centre-regional relations and Indonesia’s COVID-19 response
The current arrangements slow initial local responses without a corresponding payoff.
The role of neighbourhood leaders in Indonesia’s COVID-19 response
Neighbourhood leaders enjoy high levels of public trust but concerns about legitimacy and conflict limit the extent to which they can implement COVID-19 restrictions.
Mental illness in Malaysia: the imperative to destigmatise
The Ministry of Health needs to make the strategic leap from awareness to research and intervention.
Gendering Indonesia’s responses to COVID-19: Preliminary thoughts
The approach used in the creation of these policies ignores that women may face more difficulty in accessing the promised benefits.
Disrupting pathways: What awaits rural youth forced home by COVID-19?
An influx of new ideas might boost rural and coastal sectors, but unemployment looms large too.
Moral economies: the politics of donation in Thailand under COVID-19
During the pandemic, “immodest” or ungrateful receiving by the poor has been strongly denounced both by the state and middle-class donors.
LGBTQ+ community leaders in Indonesia: overcoming pandemic hardship
LGBTQ+ Indonesians are driving some of the most effective community responses to the hardships of the pandemic.
Filipino students use “padungog-dungog” to resist educational inequality
Many Filipino students don't have computers or internet access for online learning during COVID-19. On "subaltern social media strategies" for demanding equitable access.
COVID-19 and abusive constitutionalism in Southeast Asia: where are the courts?
Extraordinary measures may in the long run jeopardize civil liberties and constitutional democracy.
Mayors are keeping the Philippines afloat as Duterte’s COVID-19 response flails
In the Philippines, local governments are stepping up to cover gaps in national public health and welfare infrastructure.
Vietnam’s public loudspeaker system: a means of communication to combat COVID-19
While not resource-rich, Vietnam's intelligent communication methods helped maintain zero recorded deaths from the pandemic.
“Stay at home”: COVID-19 and rising domestic violence in Myanmar’s informal urban settlements
In the manufacturing hub of Hlaingthaya, migrant women often live in isolation.
Coping with the economic fallout of COVID-19 in upland Java
Some rural villages have escaped the virus so far, but downturns in tourism and market demand for produce may yet exacerbate already challenging economic conditions.
Indonesian disability activism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Indonesian disability activists are leading action to assess needs and advocate for the inclusivity in the government's COVID-19 response.
COVID-19 mitigation measures compound an economic crisis in Sumba
Infection rates appear low in NTT, but the economic impacts of the pandemic combined with poor harvest yield are potentially devastating.
Heightened contradictions: Duterte and local autonomy in the era of COVID-19
The President's handling of the Social Amelioration Program in the regions seems to betray an intention to consolidate centralised power.
Indonesia’s agro nationalism in the pandemic
"Can Indonesia have food security without security?" Colum Graham looks at who really benefits from the government’s recent measures to address Indonesia’s food crisis.