

Exhibition: Fighting Fear #whatshappeninginmyanmarnow

...an outpouring of passionate anger and disappointment, and a hardening resolve not to be cowed.

Containing conflict and pandemic in Myanmar: an urgent mission

ASEAN has raised the bar for pushing dialogue in Myanmar: it will be a test for ASEAN's credibility to implement the consensus for real change in Myanmar.

NBSEAS discusses “The Irish Buddhist: The Forgotten Monk Who Faced Down the British Empire”

A new book looks at the significance of U Dhammaloka, an Irishman who “went native” and became a Buddhist monk in British Burma

What kind of solidarity for what kind of Myanmar?

What do nascent solidarities mean for the future of ethno-religious minorities in a post-coup Myanmar?

The people’s call for R2P: to be or not to be?

The capacity of R2P is limited, and the decision-making process is fraught with political gamesmanship.

Soup not coup, but what boils in the coup’s soup?

Elements of the weaponry and violence deployed are not only related to systems and structures but also to the reproduction of logics and techniques of control.

ASEAN on Myanmar’s coup: revisiting Cold War diplomacy on Cambodia

ASEAN has precedent and success in interceding in struggles for diplomatic recognition at the United Nations during the Third Indochina War (1978-1991).

A Myanmar Life Ended

Ko Nyi Nyi Aung Htet knew what he risked. He persisted, for he believed that democracy and a bright future will not return to Myanmar if the Tatmadaw succeeds.

Women fight the dual evils of dictatorship and patriarchal norms in Myanmar

Women of different ages and social backgrounds have been at the heart of the Myanmar protests, giving the women's movement unprecedented visibility.

From Yangon: a protest in images

In an era in which optics are fundamental, Myanmar's protest movement has forged a strategic visual course inspired by real and fictional past movements.

Myanmar’s 2021 coup: The latest test for ASEAN’s commitment to democratic consolidation

Soft diplomatic approaches may yet allow ASEAN to act not as democratic enforcers but as democratic promoters.

Myanmar’s coup from the eyes of ethnic minorities

Members of ethnic minorities standing against the military are concentrating on institutional change, while majority Bamar NLD supporters focus on the release of party leaders and the formation of government.

Networked authoritarianism at the edge

We should look beyond elite urban internet users to grasp the reach of Southeast Asian digital governance and its chilling effects

Behind the coup: what prompted the Tatmadaw’s grab for power?

Despite the seeming incredulity of the military and USDP’s claims of fraud, there is reason to take the Tatmadaw’s insistence on the legitimacy of its constitutional claims seriously.

American foreign policy towards Myanmar part 2: The failure of wishful thinking

A rash decision near the end of Obama’s tenure led to the complete failure of American foreign policy.

American foreign policy towards Myanmar part 1: ‘Blinded by the light’ of Wilsonian idealism

Past US government policies towards Myanmar have been idealistic and flawed by partisan diplomacy.

MDBs in Myanmar: risk regulators on complex infrastructure projects?

Environmental and social risks can emerge from MDBs’ lack of awareness of and responsiveness to local conditions.

The 2020 Myanmar election: resetting the role of civil society organisations

The current restricted environment for CSOs, especially those advocating on human rights and accountability, is almost certain to continue in post-2020 Myanmar.

Understanding LGBT realities in Myanmar: new study indicates public support for equality

Findings give direction for advocacy groups to strategise change-making programs.

Securing a fair election in Rakhine’s conflict zones

As the Arakan Army’s armed struggle appears increasingly attractive to young voters, Myanmar’s democracy cannot afford the appearance of another false promise.

Myanmar’s electoral management institutions: the challenges of monitoring

In 2020 the role of the Union Election Commission and election monitoring seems increasingly politicised.

Emerging dynamics among Southeast Asia’s Nepali diaspora

Associations and the polyvocality of social media can bring to fore diverse meanings of being in the diaspora

New books on Southeast Asia: Liberalism and Democracy in Myanmar (Oxford University Press, 2018)

Nick Cheesman talks to the authors of a new book on the "limited liberalism" that allows the tolerance of some minorities in Myanmar, and the exclusion of others.